Harrisburg Update - Senator Scott Wagner

07:00 – 09:00 29-09-2016
2190 Carlisle Rd, York, PA 17408

Update by Senator Scott Wagner

We are on Summer break, Our next meeting will be Thursday September 29th. Our esteemed guest will be Senator Scott Wagner.

Time: Doors open at 6:30 PM for a 7:00 PM start.
When: Thursday September 29th, 2016
Where: Shiloh Fire Hall, 2190 Carlisle Rd, York, PA 17408

Seating is free. Full event details are available at the website of the York 912 Patriots: www.york912patriots.net
There is also a link to a map to the location on the event page. You must park across from the Fire Hall, behind the building. Turn left at the street before the fire hall as you approach from either direction on 74, go one block and turn left or right. The public parking is across from the fire hall.

About Scott Wagner

Born and raised in York Township, Scott Wagner is a lifelong resident of York County. Growing up on a farm, Scott learned the value of hard work, self-reliance and risk taking. After graduating from Dallastown Area High School, Scott enrolled in college. However, after one year of college, he realized he enjoyed working vs. sitting in a classroom. At 20, Scott started his first small business and never looked back.

Over the last 37 years, he has worked with and led numerous businesses in diverse sectors of the economy helping to improve companies and create economic opportunity. He has grown Penn Waste into a hugely successful enterprise employing hundreds of York County families, despite the barriers placed in front of him by government. That is why Scott spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of his money so he could try to preserve that same opportunity for all Americans.

Senator Wagner has been instrumental in changng the culture of the Senate in PA. He voted against this years budget and supported all the other members of the York County dlegation in doing the same. He opposed the increase in spending and the new taxes required. He is a strong voice protecting PA families against an out of control Governor who fancies himself anothoer Barack Obama.